Archive for the ‘chickens’ Category

Chicken Delight with Eggs   17 comments

In the past few weeks the hens have provided us with over two dozen eggs and counting. I have made egg salad and even pickled some eggs.


I had to take a picture of our first two eggs!


Great chicken friends

  our first two eggs


Pullet eggs are great for pickling. I am going to try lots of recipes and create a few of my own.


My sweet feathered friends

The ladies and Big Bird watch me pull weeds from the garden for their midday salad. Big Bird demands attention with his loud crow along with the fifteen hens clucking at me.


Henny Penny enjoying a bit of scratch feed



The ladies are so very loving and loud when announcing the arrival of the newest egg addition. I know I am to blame for spoiling them but I care not. They feed us, amuse us, are great alarm systems, provide organic fertilizers, etc.

So for more entertaining photos…    Little B-Tips curious about the camera



Mr Meowgo likes the egg a little too much


Our trusted feline friend is not entirely pleased with our new feathered family. He is very curious and does watch over them.



Two hens in the box and one on her way in


Although there are eight different laying boxes, the hens only lay in the one box that I painted the word egg on…can they read? Or maybe it’s the classical music playing on NPR?  As you can see, two Rhode Island Reds are already in the laying box and a line is forming.


Room for three?



Henny Penny must be in dire straits to crowd with two other hens in the same laying nest.  Three hens sharing  I came back to find three eggs a little later in the day!


Love birds



Big Bird making some noise

Big Bird loves his special treats of sunflower seeds and cooked brown  rice.   Big Bird is the sweetest rooster  He loves to eat from my hand.



Enjoy your day!